tip10A leaked video of a lady crying to her boyfriend after a breakup was brought to my attention this after by a close associate. She said to me, “Egbon, I need you to write an article on this, please. You really should address this kind of issues!” I looked at the video and tell you what? I ended up with mixed feelings.
So far, several ladies have expressed utter disgust at how the “shameful” video has caused the women folk a lot of embarrassment. Some especially those who have trod that path of heartbreak and rejection to have fired the “lover boy” some verbal lethargic missiles out of venom for such debauchery of leaking a private video between two lovers.

I am not here now to trade blames for either party, but I want to pick out some vital learning points for every woman. First and foremost, we are in no position to judge this lady for sending her lover a video of herself expressing her pain and hurt. The truth is none of us really can say EXACTLY what we would do or would not do in such circumstances, especially when the opium of love has taken full captivity of our thinking faculty!
It is often easier to judge a game as a spectator! Without any exaggerations, some may even attempt suicide in situations like this. I am a culprit so I know exactly what I’m talking about! We only have the benefit of judging her now because the video has been exposed. Some ladies may have done worse things in private.
Having said that, it doesn’t mean I am in any way validating her actions or reactions neither is this article directed at her. I have a word for women who may find themselves in a similar situation that is why I felt the need to put up this article. So ladies, let’s talk!
There are 7 Billion people in the world, why would you want to kill yourself or allow yourself be made miserable by JUST ONE??? Think about this and make it your first consolation Mantra!
Secondly, it is essential for every woman to learn to treasure and guide her SELF ESTEEM jealously and never to dump it in the incinerator of ecstasy!
SELF-LOVE, SELF RESPECT, and SELF WORTH are three essentials for ladies too. There is a reason they all start with the SELF…you cannot find them in anyone else but you! So why let anyone rob you of these?
I am not a relationship expert but in my 38-year sojourn on earth I can say a thing or two about relationships. Here are a few tips you may want to consider. Kindly take the ones you may want to apply and ignore the ones you don’t fancy. Whatever you do, simply guard your self-esteem!
  1. No Mediocre Love: Life is full of mediocrity in all ramifications already so unless it’s true passionate love, it’s a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life and love shouldn’t be one of them!
  1. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that’s not meant to be neither should you try to change him… it never works! The only person you can change is yourself. Sorry, as painful as it may be, sometimes it’s better to step out of a bad relationship and step into your own happiness.
  1. Don’t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are. And don’t ever make him feel less important than you are either.
  1. Avoid Loser Partner: The Loser is a type of partner that creates much social, emotional and psychological damage in a relationship. They usually have permanent personality characteristics that create this damage which they simply accept as the way they are and not a problem or psychological imbalance.
  1. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior and don’t make excuses for your own bad behavior either. Take action, make a change and created the life you deserve.
  1. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary not supplementary.
  1. Avoid a man who treats his Mother or his Sisters with disdain. He is likely to treat you the same way.
  1. Run away from Part Time Lovers. You don’t need them in your lives. They are either with you or not. They just can’t come and go as they please.
  1. Always remember there is no one you cannot live without…even if you are Siamese Twins!
  1. Fall madly in love with yourself. Love yourself enough to take actions that are required for your happiness; Love yourself enough to cut yourself loose from ties of drama filled people; Love yourself enough to MOVE ON!
Credits: Mercy Makinde


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