Idiots are like diamonds, they last forever, but motivation does not last forever. So when you motivate an idiot, you'll simply have a temporarily motivated idiot.
This week, you don't need motivation.
My dear, “Motivation is a temporary solution to a permanent problem". Your problem is you; my problem is me, permanently.
"Go Further Ahead".
Let's get up our butts, take a lead to solve our problems and that of others. It’s called value. This week, let's go for the kill…
Stop waiting for others to solve our problems, it’s a wrong game. Get up!
Don't have a "hand me down" mentality.
You're not a hyena or a vulture. You don't just stand there waiting for something to die, waiting for others to kill for you to eat; rather you kill what you eat. Life's a fire jungle and you're a wild animal.
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion".
Be a lion… Be hungry, be passionate!
Fire up.
"One person with passion is better than forty who are merely interested."
-Tom Connellan
This week, go further ahead…
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