I read this article online (http://www.news24.com.ng), it was written by Julius Ngbede Philips and i want to share it with you just as it is.


Marriage is one of the institution that has been in existence since the beginning of time involving the union of a man and a woman with the intentions of living together as one. 

This union is supposed to make the goals, aspirations, interests and welfare of each of them become a concern for both party and the union is supposed to last forever no matter what the consequences may be. Marriage is an institution which can be as firm as a rock or as weak as a thread. It is up to both spouse to choose. 
Today, due to negative influence surrounding our lifestyle, divorce cases and marriage problems has become the order of the day. Bad and selfish desires, environment outside the home is also a factor. Adhering to every advice from friends and distant relatives on marriage issues has at a great extent constituted in ruining many happy homes. 
Most times the woman finds herself at the losing end and take most of the blames. Disrespect, quarrels and domestic violence happens very often due to lack of understanding. Even when the woman is sincere in heart, sometimes abusing the husband on domestics matters and reminding him of his failure to balance the home may make him feel disrespected. 
Many women today are so impatient and finds it hard to endure in marriage during hard times, so they take drastic actions. Some unreasonably walk-out of their marriage when they feel things are not going the way they have hoped. Some mistreat the husband as a result. In such cases when the husband feel mistreated he may find peace talking to stranger women outside the home. Usually the people outside the home (for example: at work place, at the market and social events) appear more polite, comforting and keeping a soft and welcoming tone. This is a big competition for the spouse at home to surpass the loving and admiring attitude experienced in the outside world. 
The human society faces challenges everyday and this is one of its greatest challenge of today and if attention is not given to it we will have a bigger problem ahead. For the sake of a happy home and also for the sake of the vows that we take during the joining at the time of marriage. And if we consider the children that is the most precious aspect of matrimony, there is the need to go extra mile to protect our marriages from falling apart and the need to live with peace and harmony. We ought to have endurance and patience in marriage at times of difficulties, we need to learn to forgive no matter what, repel evil with good deeds so as to move forward. 
Lastly understanding between the husband and the wife is the key to every happy home and is a must thing for any couple that wish to live happily in marriage. they must try as much as possible to understand each other in every way. The must learn to let go, learn to tolerate and learn to love. 


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